chiropractic hEaling Therapy
Under UK legislation Qualified, Insured and Registered Chiropractors may claim they can help patients suffering from the following conditions within their advertising:-
Ankle sprain (short term management)
Elbow pain and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) arising from associated musculoskeletal conditions of the back and neck, but not isolated occurrences
Headache arising from the neck (cervicogenic)
Inability to relax
Joint pains
Joint pains including hip and knee pain from osteoarthritis as an adjunct to core osteoarthritis treatments and exercise
General, acute & chronic backache, back pain (not arising from injury or accident) Generalised aches and pains
Lumbago Mechanical neck pain (as opposed to neck pain following injury i.e. whiplash) Migraine prevention
Minor sports injuries and tensions
Muscle spasms Plantar fasciitis (short term management)
Rotator cuff injuries, disease or disorders
Shoulder complaints (dysfunction, disorders and pain) Soft tissue disorders of the shoulder
Chiro means ‘Hands’ and practor means ‘practice’ in Greek/Latin. Traditionally Chiropractors have been trained to treat every patient ‘by hand’ sensitivity even when blindfolded and with no visual or verbal communication as the treatment is traditionally a 100% ‘by hand’ treatment. The use of technology/machines/gadgets is purely a modern addition to a Chiropractors diagnostic and healing toolkit but a good Chiropractor will never actually need to rely on a machine or technology to be a skilled and effective practitioner. Emma Roberts has been referring patients for self-pay MRI scans to diagnose the causes of pain for over 15years and liases closely with radiographers and medical consultants to analyse reports and find a suitable bespoke treatment plan but does not own or directly operate this equipment herself.
GDPR May 2018 - UK Chiropractors are required by law to store confidential medical records for 8 years. We never send out promotional text or email messages or special offers or inducements to use our services.. Chiropractic services are VAT exempt. We regularly undergo enhanced CRB checks. Chiropractors will never share your personal data without your written permission even with other healthcare providers.
Booking a session couldn’t be easier. Please send an SMS text to this number and we will arrange a mutually convenient time.
We have a card machine that even takes Amex.
We offer shorter mini sessions 10 minute for £30, full length 20 minute sessions for £60 and extra long sessions for £90.
All sessions include hands on spinal manipulation and MSK musculoskeletal techniques.